Earth Series
The Earth abstract series, is a series created about the earth with watercolor, pastel, and goldleaf.
Image size: 1" in diameter
Frame Size: 2.5" x 3.5" white frame
Ready to ship. Choose pick up only if in Jacksonville, Fl.
The Earth abstract series, is a series created about the earth with watercolor, pastel, and goldleaf.
Image size: 1" in diameter
Frame Size: 2.5" x 3.5" white frame
Ready to ship. Choose pick up only if in Jacksonville, Fl.
The Earth abstract series, is a series created about the earth with watercolor, pastel, and goldleaf.
Image size: 1" in diameter
Frame Size: 2.5" x 3.5" white frame
Ready to ship. Choose pick up only if in Jacksonville, Fl.